Porter County Biography Index, Surnames E-HPorter County biographical sketches . . . .

Below are Porter County biographies of individuals with surnames beginning with E through H. The index contains more than 1,300 transcribed biographies currently available on this website. Five major sources of published biographies, often referred to as "mug books," exist for Porter County, all of which have been transcribed and made available on this website. Many additional biographies on this website have been taken from a variety of other source materials. If you have written a biography of a former or present Porter County resident and would like to add it to this website, then please contact the Porter County GenWeb Coordinator.

       Surname Begins with E through H
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Surname, Given Name
Eaton, Albert L. 1911
Eberle, Lawrence A. 1912
Eckert, Arnold 1976
Edinger, Adam 1882
Edinger, Adam 1912
Edinger, John 1882
Edmonds, E. A. 1894
Edmonds, Enos A. 1912
Edmonds, J. H. 1882
Edwards, Edward Richard 1927
Eggleston, Edgar L. 1912
Ehrstein, Charles N. 1976
Eibel, F. Ritchey 1976
Eibel, Fred J. 1976
Elam, John W. 1894
Ellis, Edwin E. 1894
Ellis, G. Glen 1976
Ellis, Leonard and Bernice 1976
Erickson, Leonard and Maxine 1976
Esserman, Henry 1912
Evans, H. M. 1912
Evans, Horace M. 1894
Fabian, Joseph James 1976
Faley, Frank L. 1927
Febles, John C. 1876
Fehrman, Andrew J. 1927
Felsenthal, David S. 1927
Felton, John M. 1882
Felton, John M. 1894
Fernekes, Charles 1882
Ferris, James Justice 1894
Fickle, Hugh 1882
Field, Elisha C. 1911
Field, Elisha Chapman 1901
Field, Elisha Chapman 1908
Field, F. J. 1882
Field, Francis Jefferson 1901
Field, Frank J. 1894
Fifield, Benjamin 1882
Finney, Alanson 1882
Finney, Jasper N. 1894
Finney, Jasper N. 1976
Finney, Jasper Newton 1912
Finney, Stephen L. 1912
Fish, Herbert J. 1882
Fisher, D. A. 1882
Fisher, William 1912
Fitz Williams, John 1882
Fitzgerald, Andrew Patrick 1976
Fleming, John 1882
Flint, Caroline 1912
Flint, John C. 1894
Flynn, Hallard A. 1912
Folsom, Harrison 1912
Forbes, Andrew J. 1912
Forbes, Charles Joseph and Ellen Marie (Shook) 1976
Forbes, H. W. 1882
Forbes, J. T. 1882
Forbes, Jacob T. 1894
Forbes, Thaddeus H. 1882
Forbes, Thaddeus H. 1894
Forney, W. B. 1927
Fortier, Frank and Estella (Emerson) 1976
Foster, Charles E. 1927
Foster, Jerry 1912
Foster, Sarah Mabel (Fryer) 1976
Frailey, Christian H. 1912
Frame, Ross Howard 1921
Frame, Thomas J. 1912
Frame, William 1882
Frame, Younger 1882
Frame, Younger 1912
Frank, John R. 1976
Frank, William 1976
Franzman, Russell 1976
Frederick, Louis F. 1927
Freed, W. J. 1911
Freeman, Azariah 1882
Freeman, William L. 1882
Freer, John Wesley 1912
French, Marshall F. 1927
French, Solon 1882
French, Solon 1976
Freund, Edmund J. 1927
Frey, John 1976
Friday, Henry 1882
Friday, Leo W. 1921
Froberg, Eugene 1976
Fry, William 1882
Fryar, Robert M. 1882
Fryar, Robert M. 1894
Fuller, John B. 1912
Funk, Eugene Turner 1912
Furness, Albert W. 1912
Furness, Edwin L. 1882
Furness, Edwin L. 1912
Furness, Hershel 1976
Furness, Leigh G. 1899
Furness, Leigh G. 1912
Furness, Lester H. 1976
Gable, Martin J. 1921
Galbreath, Joseph 1882
Gardner, Joseph 1882
Gardner, William H. 1912
Garriott, Clarence Albert 1976
Gast, Andrew 1912
Gates, Jonas 1912
Gates, William 1882
Gerber, Jacob Andrew 1911
Gianis, June L. 1976
Gibbs, William 1882
Gidley, John 1882
Gillespie, Loring 1921
Gillett, H. A. 1894
Gingerich, Lisa 1976
Glancy, Everett Harry and Luella Helen (Daumer) 1976
Glancy, Thomas James and Carol Frances (Krause) 1976
Gogan, Charles M. 1894
Gondring, John 1882
Good, Rita 1976
Goodwin, J. M 1882
Goodwin, William H. 1912
Gordon, Joseph Lester 1927
Gossett, Benjamin F. 1912
Gott, Richard 1976
Graves, James 1976
Gray, George D. 1912
Green, Edwin J. 1882
Green, Hiram 1882
Gregg, George C. 1894
Gregory, Martin A. 1927
Grieger, Gust 1976
Griffin, John F. 1927
Groff, Felix S. 1927
Guant, Lois M. 1976
Gullstrom, Frank A. 1927
Gustafson, Anton R. 1912
Gustafson, Nils Peter 1976
Hackett, Henry 1882
Hackett, S. C. 1882
Hackett, William C. 1912
Hageman, Henry 1882
Hageman, Henry 1894
Hagerty, Thomas 1912
Hall, Kathryn 1976
Halladay, A. N. 1883
Hallberg, John 1882
Hallwell, Catherine 1976
Hamann, Frederick Carl 1976
Hankins, Albert 1882
Hannon, John H. 1882
Hannon, Michael 1882
Hannon, Thomas J. 1912
Hannon, Thomas P. 1976
Hanrahan, William 1976
Hansen, Waldemar C. 1976
Hansford, John 1882
Hansford, William A. 1894
Hanson, John C. 1876
Hardesty, Isaac 1882
Harlan, Enoch 1869
Harnell, Jeremiah 1882
Harrington, Robert Daniel 1976
Harris, Joseph L. 1882
Harris, Warren 1894
Harris, 1976
Harrison, Andrew 1882
Hartman, George W. 1919
Hartmann, Joseph and Mary 1976
Haskin, William P. 1915
Haste, George S. 1912
Haste, George S. 1927
Hatch, Asa Brightman 1893
Hauber, Charles J. 1976
Hawkins, John Mack 1976
Hawkins, Martha Cooper 1976
Haxton, G. M. 1882
Haxton, George E. 1912
Hayden, John W. 1882
Hayes, Lester P. 1921
Hayes, Owen G. 1927
Heard, Thomas H. 1912
Hefron, Michael C. 1882
Heilstedt, Edward H. 1912
Heimberg, Herman F. 1907
Heineman, A. F. 1894
Heineman, A. F. 1912
Heinold, Raymond F. 1976
Henkel, Alfred L. and Olivia (Steinbach) 1976
Henning, Florence E. 1976
Henning, Harold 1976
Hensel, Leroy C. 1927
Heritage, Richard A. 1882
Herlitz, Wilbur 1976
Herma, Julie 1976
Hermansader, Adelaide Norton 1976
Herr, Jackie 1976
Hesser, Alexander 1882
Hicks, John A. 1900
Hicks, John S. 1882
Hicks, William T. 1900
Hicks, 1976
Hiland, Shadrach 1882
Hilkert, Rhen 1921
Hill, Claude E. 1912
Hill, R. B. 1882
Hillard, John and Janet 1976
Hillstrom, Charles E. 1912
Hillstrom, Charles E. 1912
Hitesman, Alvis and Edna 1976
Hitz, Dan 1976
Hodsden, DeWitt C. 1882
Hodsden, S. P. 1882
Hofferth, August 1976
Hogan, William S. 1912
Hokanson, Lila L. 1976
Hokanson, Victor 1927
Hollett, J. D. 1882
Hollister, William 1882
Holmes, C. Oliver 1911
Holmgrain, Oscar V. 1908
Homfeld, H. Henry 1912
Homfeld, 1976
Hood, Floyd Curtis 1976
Hopkins, David H. 1882
Hopkins, James V. 1880
Horn, Conrad 1882
Horn, John C. 1927
Horner, Bessie E. (Horner) 1976
Horner, Hannah (Henry) 1976
Horney, Wayne B. and M. Faye 1976
Houpt, Dean Albert 1976
House, A. R. 1882
House, Zela 1882
Houser, George E. 1882
Howe, Daniel 1976
Howe, John 1882
Huffman, Levi 1882
Hughart, Arthur A. 1912
Hughart, Arthur Abram 1918
Hughart, David 1882
Hughart, John W. 1912
Hughart, William A. 1882
Hunt, Moses T. 1882
Hunter, Enos Melville and Carolyn Louciel 1976
Hurlburt, David 1882
Hyde, Richard W. 1881
Hylander, August 1882
Hylander, Charles 1882

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       Biographies transcribed by Steven R. Shook


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