Liberty Township NewsNews from Liberty Township, 1884-1900 . . . .

Newspaper Transcriptions, 1884-1900

The various newspaper items transcribed below cover early historical events and issues occurring in Liberty Township, Porter County, Indiana. Source information is provided with each newspaper item. Note that the bolded titles are not headlines used by the newspaper, rather they are a description of the news item as provided by the transcriber.

1884, April 16 - African American Dick Johnson Is Elected Constable in Liberty Township
At the township election in Liberty township, Charles Benke, of Salt Creek, was elected for Trustee over Mr. Benkly by 45 majority. John Johnson and J. C. Cole, were elected Justices of the Peace, George Gray and Dick Johnson, (colored) for constables, and J. D. Corneil, R. Wheeler, D. Daly and F. Lorenz, for road supervisors.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 16, 1884; Volume 1, Number 3, Page 1, Column 4]

1884, May 14 - Salt Creek News
John Hamstrom, of Woodville, called at this place on business, he is one of the largest merchants of that place, the governor contemplates going to Kansas this spring to buy land and start a sheep ranch taking Horace Greely's advice young man go west.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [May 14, 1884; Volume 1, Number 7, Page 1, Column 3]

1884, June 18 - General Township News

The old mill at Woodville is being fixed up, and work will soon be resumed there.
The mills at Salt Creek, owned by John Gossett, is doing a booming business. The water power there is very fine and this mill is located in a section that draws a heavy trade.
Arrangements are being made to better the mail facilities at Salt Creek, as heretofore done, at a cost of $219.00 per year, will now be taken from McCoole Station, a shorter distance, and oftener for less than half that amount.
At Salt Creek there is a splendid opening for a good, sober, blacksmith. The farmers in that neighborhood own the shop and tools, and they are so anxious to have the shop started that they will furnish the outfit to a man who will come there and go to work. The mill owned by Mr. Gossett furnishes plenty of work. As it now is, if anything breaks, they are obliged to spend a half a day going to Valparaiso or Chesterton. The man who wishes to start there will be patronized if he does not drink and tend to business. Who wants this chance.
Last week while out canvassing for the TRIBUNE we called on our friend, A. H. Freer, the Woodville merchant. By his kind and courteous manner, he has placed us under many obligations to him. He has a well-stocked store, has the railroad and post-office business of the place, and is prospering as he deserves to. The people living in and near Woodville should patronize their store, as they have a good one. From Woodville we next went to Salt Creek. Here we found the headquarters of that Jolly good fellow, C. G. Trowe. He too works with might and main for the TRIBUNE. Looking around we were surprised to see such a large stock carried in a small place. C. G. is a business man and pushes his trade to the front. Herbert Ashton, the sage of Salt Creek was missing. Soon after, it was learned that he was up the creek fishing as usual. Before leaving we saw him and found that Herbert fished for subscribers to the TRIBUNE in a manner that was exceedingly pleasing to us.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [June 18, 1884; Volume 1, Number 12, Page 7, Columns 5 and 6]

1884, June 18 - Salt Creek News

John Felker and John Babcock, went to Valparaiso last Thursday for lumber to build their bowery dance hall. They will have their first dance June 20th. We wish them success.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [June 18, 1884; Volume 1, Number 12, Page 12, Column 2]

1884, July 9 - Trouble for John Babcock, Rape of Effie D. Merritt
The Crime Not Fastened on Him.
Yesterday John Babcock was arraigned in Robert B. Lansing's Justice Court, on a charge of committing rape on little Effie D. Merrit, of Salt Creek. He pleaded not guilty to the charge. The mother, Mrs. Merrit, testified that she saw Effie out in the edge of the bushes with Babcock, and called for her to come to the house. She came and bashfully told her mother of improper actions on his part toward her. Her under clothing was torn down, and Effie said that Babcock torn them down. Effie testified that at first she was on the opposite side of the fence from where he was, and that as she attempted to get on the same side where he stood, he took hold of her arm and pulled her through underneath the fence, that he stepped back into the edge of the bushes and sat down, with her in his lap, that he then asked her if she would tell her mother, to this she had forgotten her reply, that he then reached up under her dress and tore down her pantlets, and touched her in an insolent manner with his hand, that at this moment her mother called and she pulled away from him, and climbed the fence and went on to the house. The court held that he didn't see sufficient grounds on which to bind him over for rape, but thought there was sufficient evidence to warrant filing of an affidavit for an assault and battery with intent to commit rape. At this time the complaining witness was not present, and the defendant was set free. The affidavit for assault and battery with intent to commit rape, can be filed at any time, within a period of two years and a new trail held.

It is expected that the mother or some near relative will swear out another affidavit and bring the miserable wretch to justice. It is customary to presume the prisoner or the accused innocent until proven guilty. The guilt or innocence of John Babcock has not yet been determined, but when a bright little girl of 7 years and 4 months of age, like little Effie D. Merritt, comes on the witness stand and tells as straight a story as she did, laying as grave a misdemeanor as her testimony set forth, at the threshold of John Babcock' character, a young man over 20 years of age, it should stir the manhood and womanhood of any community to action. The little girls of the present day are the human violets beautifying the vases of life, and none lean so tenderly on all for protection as they do, then may little Effie get protection and may her insulted innocence be fully avenged by justice at the hands of the court. The accused has said nothing in favor or against himself. The defense offered no testimony so the testimony of the prosecution stands uncontradicted.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 9, 1884; Volume 1, Number 15, Page 5, Column 4]

1884, July 16 - More on John Babcock
John Babcock, the fellow accused of rape has skipped out leaving last Friday night for parts unknown. This is additional proof of his guilt.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 16, 1884; Volume 1, Number 16, Page 3, Column 2]

1886, January 7 - Thomas J. Moroney Killed by Passenger Train at Woodville
Thomas J. Moroney Looses His Life While attempting to save his Hand-Car.

Last Saturday morning Thos. J. Moroney, a section boss, on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, started out with his men from Woodvile to work as usual. They went down the track, west of the station, and had almost reached the curve, about half mile distant, when rounding it was a passenger train under full speed. All the men except Moroney, jumped and fled. Moroney stuck to his car, and tried to remove it from the track. He got one end off, and was trying to push the car down the embankment, when the locomotive struck it. Moroney was hurled thirty feet away. His leg was mashed, the bones being crushed to a pulp. An ugly scalp wound was also sustained. The injured man was taken to his home, and medical aid summoned. Dr. Marr reached the place, but his services were refused. Dr. A. J. Mullen, taking charge of the case assisted by Dr. Miller. At first it was thought necessary to amputate the leg, but the exhausted condition of the patient would not admit of the opreration. After heroic suffering he expired at 1:30 Sunday morning after receiving the spiritual consolation of the Catholic church, of which he was a member. Thomas Moroney was a young man of about 25 years of age, bright, jovial, responsible and faithful. He worked for the Baltimore & Ohio for a number of years. Some time ago a section boss at Woodville lost two hand cars by being caught by trains within two week's time, accounts of which appeared in THE TRIBUNE. Shortly, after, while talking with Mr. Moroney on the subject, he remarked, "I'd save my car, though I lost my life." He kept his word. There is no doubt but would has his men remained with him there would have been no accident. Mr. Moroney has been married scarcely two years, and leaves a loving, heart-broken wife to mourn his untimely death. We understand that his life was insured for $2,400. The funeral services were performed at the Catholic church at Chesterton, Monday, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Rev. Kroll officiating. The remains were followed to their last resting place by hundreds of people, and was the largest funeral train that followed the hearse to the grave from Chesterton in many years.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [January 7, 1886; Volume 2, Number 41, Page 1, Column 7]

1886, January 28 - Suicide of "The Woodville Poet"
John Longley, In a Fit of Insanity, Shuffles off This Mortal Coil,
After Firing Three Shots, Hits Himself Once
And Expires Inside of Three Hours.
Last Saturday at three o'clock, p. m. John Longley, sometimes called "The Woodville Poet," living about three quarters of a mile west of Woodville, shot himself in the forehead, expiring after two hours of suffering.

For the past seventeen months Mr. Longley has been subject to fits of melancholy, brought on by two causes. Previous to that time he had drank considerably, and was on the habit of getting on protracted sprees. His daughter whom he seemed to think much of, died. Longley then stopped drinking, and made a vow that should he ever drink again, he would kill himself. Since that time he faithfully abstained from liquor, but his mind continually dwelt on his dead daughter. The cravings of appetite and the loss of his daughter, made sad have with his naturally morbid nature, and at times he was really insane. Besides these causes, he had considerable trouble with neighbors. this state of affairs kept growing worse, until at last, the unfortunate man determined to kill himself. Some time ago he had told his wife that he was going to die soon, and asked her what became of one who killed himself. She answered, by quoting a passage in the Bible. Subsequent to that time his talk led Mrs. Longley to believe that her husband might commit some kind of crime against himself or others, and she went to such neighbors as had weapons, and forbid them lending them to her husband. But notwithstanding these precautions he got a revolver from a German neighbor, Mr. -------, who had not been notified, and did not know the condition of Longley. On getting the weapon, he said something had been killing his chickens, and he wanted to kill it. He got the weapon last Wednesday, and then seemed to bend all his energies toward getting a number of neighbors to his house. Thursday he wished his wife to invite a neighbor to stay all night at their house, but she objected because they had no sleeping accommodations. A short time after Longley went to Woodville, stopping at the store. While there, he burst out crying, without any apparent cause. Saturday he went to Henry Seivers to get him to come and cut some wood. This was in the morning. Seivers having other work, said he could not come, but Longley insisted so hard, that he finally came just before dinner. After sawing until nearly thee o'clock Longley called him into the house. He sat down for some minutes in the sitting room, with Mr. and Mrs. Longley and the children. Mrs. Longley had occasion to leave the room, when her husband stepped into an adjoining bed room, and laid down on the floor. Mrs. L. on returning, stepped to the bed-room door to ask her husband to come and lay down on the lounge by the fire. Just as she opened the door, a shot was fired, the bullet hitting the door. The young man Seivers, at that became frightened and ran out of the house. Then Mrs. Longley, frightened too, ran with the children out doors. Just as they got outside two more shots followed in quick succession. The young man then went around to the room where Longley was and saw him laying on the floor, and writhing in the agonies of death. The neighbors were called in, and physicians summoned. The first shot fired did not strike him, one of the last two struck him in the forehead. He lived two hours, expiring at 5 o'clock, never uttering a word after entering the bed-room.

The coroner was notified, and held inquest, as his verdict Suicide. The funeral occured on Tuesday Jan 26th.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [January 28, 1886; Volume 2, Number 44, Page 1, Column 6]

1888, June 28 - Conditions in Woodville
Woodville is improving wonderfully. Two new houses going up, and the farmer pour in there every morning in a manner that is truly encouraging to Mr. Freer. The B. & O. milk train is now taking 87 cans of milk daily from that point, and the prospects are that this amount will be increased. Burdick, Furnessville, Woodville, and McCool are classed as the four best shipping point in the northern part of the county for farmers' produce, and the business is growing.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [June 28, 1888; Volume 5, Number 11, Page 4, Column 5]

1888, June 28 - Gossett's Mill Dam Break at Salt Creek
The dam at Gossett's Mills gave way last Sunday morning at 5 o'clock emptying the water of the pond into the creek and destroying the water power of the flouring mill. Fish were left in the bed of the pond to flounder and perish and the people of the neighborhood gathered hundreds of pounds of choice bass. The break was caused by a small hole in the dam, which gradually grew larger by the wearing of the water, until it finally gave way. The loss falls on the Blachleys, and is very heavy. The opinion is now expressed by those supposed to be in a position to know, that the dam will not be rebuilt for a time at least, as the present owners are not able to do so.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [June 28, 1888; Volume 5, Number 11, Page 4, Column 6]

1888, July 5 - Local Weather and Crop Damage
The heavy rains last week and the breaking of the Salt Creek dam caused considerable more damage than was first anticipated. The marsh along this creek from Gossett's mills to Baillytown and beyond were flooded with water, and thousands of tons of hay is destroyed. The water covered the grass, and as it settled left a coating of muck which ruins the grass, and even a heavy rain now would hardly wash it off. As there are scores of farmers living along the creek who derive a large part of their income from the hay of this marsh, the damage is disastrous. Already some of the people are selling off their stock, not having any prospects of getting hay to feed them.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 5, 1888; Volume 5, Number 12, Page 4, Column 5]

1888, July 19 - Gossett's Mill Dam Repair at Salt Creek
In the issue of THE TRIBUNE of the 5th inst. an item appeared giving particulars of the washing out of the Blachley Bros. mill dam. The error arose in stating that the dam would not be rebuilt on account of financial inability of the owners. The statement was made on the information of a gentleman from near Salt Creek, and which we supposed was true, and if true, could cast no reflections on Messrs. Blachley. We have since learned that the statement is incorrect as the dam will be rebuilt, and the mill refitted with machinery for the roller process of making flour. On learning of this THE TRIBUNE hastens to correct the erroneous statement, and assures Messrs. Blachley that on our part, the error was entirely unintentional.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 19, 1888; Volume 5, Number 14, Page 4, Column 5]

1889, January 10 - Village of Babcock
What Salt Creek and McCool are Doing.
Babcock is the name of the new milk shipping station, located on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, two miles and a quarter east of McCool, and takes its name from Wm. Babcock a farmer whose land adjoins the north side of the track. Mr. Jeff Clevenger owns the land immediately south of the railroad track, and has built a grocery store beside the railroad. This store is stocked with goods generally kept in stock by country stores, and is presided over by genial Jeff himself. The Baltimore has established a money order and express office there, and arrangements are now under way to establish a ticket office at Babcock. Mr. Clevenger will be the agent. Uncle Sam will also place a post-office in the new station. Mr. Clevenger is assured of his appointment as postmaster, and the only thing to be decided is whether the office at Salt Creek will be discontinued or not. The fate of Babcock depends upon the life of the milk-shipping business. The people living in that section for miles, are engaged in the dairy business, and until recently have been taking their milk to Trowe's Creamery at Salt Creek. For some reason the creamery was closed down, and the farmers began shipping to Chicago, and their handiest point was Babcock Crossing. As the Baltimore runs a regular milk train, the shipping point was easily gained.

Both points are in rivalry, for the success of one means the death of the other. The points claimed in favor of Salt Creek by its friends are, first the milk shipping business is a failure, for the farmers are completely at the mercy of the Chicago buyers. The milk is subjected to severe inspection, and the least taint secures its rejection, which is a total loss to the shipper. Then the amount of cans necessary to carry on the business is quite an item. When the market is overstocked, the price goes down to almost nothing, and in summer, the risk from souring, is great. Milk that would pass at a creamery all right would be rejected in Chicago, for if a little sour, or tainted, the cream extractor purifies it. Salt Creek has a creamery, and if the farmers get tired of shipping milk, and contract with the owner, then Babcock is a goner for a time at least.

On the other hand, the friends of Babcock claim in the behalf that first, Salt Creek is not on a line of railroad, that the carrying of mail by contract two or three times a week to a star route office is both expensive to the government, and unhandy to the farmer. Babcock is on a line of railroad, and just as hand to reach by the farmers as Salt Creek, and the mail will be received twice a day, and that the milk shipping business is a big success, and that the farmers are making money out of it. So pay your money and take your choice.

Should the creamery be started up again, Mr. C. G. Trowe will not move from Salt Creek to East Chicago, as he contemplated. He believes that even should a post office be established at Babcock, that the Salt Creek office will be retained. The old mill pond site is now dry land, and the mill is idle.

McCool, the terminus of the Belt Line has a boom. The Baltimore & Ohio Company are putting in an immense amount of side track as is also the new road. The two roads have established a telegraph office and placed a Mr. Walters, of Milford in charge as agent and operator. The Belt Line is fully completed, and gangs are now at work ballasting up the road bed. The general opinion is that McCool will be the permanent terminus of the road. The conclusion is arrived at from the interest taken by the Baltimore road, and the extraordinary good feeling existing between the two companies. Mr. Stahl, the old agent has been relieved, and is now giving his whole attention to the grocery. Mr. Deval, his partner, who has been sick a great part of last year, has recovered, and the two mean to devote the coming year to "booming the town." The point is a magnificent one for the establishment of canning factories, and an effort will be made to get one at least. McCool to-day can boast of two railroads, two groceries, a blacksmith shop, a telegraph office, and post office.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [January 10, 1889; Volume 5, Number 39, Page 1, Column 4]

1889, May 23 - Liberty School Construction
N. Demass has secured the contract of building a brick school house for Liberty township, near John Johnson's. Contract price. $1,350.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [May 23, 1889; Volume 6, Number 6, Page 1, Column 3]
Note: This school house was located on the northeast corner of the intersection of County Roads 900 North and 50 West, where the Liberty Township Volunteer Fire Department and Liberty Recreation baseball field are now located.

1889, July 25 - Death by Sickle Bar Mower
Johnny Sass Cut to Pieces in a Sickle Mowing Machine.

Last Monday forenoon a horrible accident occurred at Babcock, in which John Sass, Jr., the sixteen year old son of John Sass, Sr., lost his life. The boy was riding a mower, cutting hay. His horses did not behave to suit him, and he jumped off the mower to give them a whipping. In getting off, he foolishly jumped directly in front of the sickle. The horses got the best of the boy, and started to run. As they did this young Sass was tripped by the sickle and horribly mangled. The cruel knives tore flesh to the born from the thigh downward, severing arteries and veins, and also cutting him badly about the neck and head. After being dragged a few rods the boy was thrown on to the sickle-bar, where he laid, while the horses started for the house. The driverless team attracted the attention of the folks at the house, and they rushed to his assistance. The boy lived about an hour and a half, and remained conscious to the last. He told his father how the accident occurred, said it was his own fault. Dr. Kellogg was summoned, but the boy was dead before he got there.

The grief-stricken parents are well-known people, with a wide circle of friends, who sincerely sympathize with them in their affliction. The funeral occurred Tuesday, and the remains buried in the Chesterton cemetery.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 25, 1889; Volume 6, Number 15, Page 1, Column 3]

1890, January 30 - Salt Creek Dam and Mill
John Tratevas, who some time ago purchased the Blachley mill property at Salt Creek, has got a fine dam thrown across the Creek, and has been grinding feed for the past three weeks. He has a practical miller in his employ, a Mr. Gordon, from Lockport, who is said to be among the best in his profession. They are now at work putting in machinery for making flour, and will be ready to run on all grades of mill work shortly. The dam cost Mr. Tratevas $1,200, and is built to stay. The people in the neighborhood of the mill, who some time ago thought the undertaking of putting it into running order, an almost hopeless task, now believe the venture will prove successful. The Salt Creek Creamery is running under the management of Herman Trowe, and holds its own against the milk trains. Herman also runs the grocery, and as soon as the mills gets down to business again, a blacksmith shop will be one of the necessities of the burg.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [January 30, 1890; Volume 6, Number 42, Page 4, Column 2]

1890, April 3 - Laura Daly Death
A Little Babe Burned To Death.
On Wednesday of last week, little Laura, the two year and six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Daly, of Salt Creek, was horribly burned, and received injuries from which she died the day following. The mother, it seems, had stepped out of the room for a few moments, and in her absence, the babe began poking the fire with a stick. In some way the fire got on the floor and set the child's clothes on fire. It began burning at her feet, and almost instantly enveloped the little one in its cruel flames. The child was discovered almost as soon as its clothes caught fire, but too late to save its life. It lingered until the following day. The funeral took place in the Catholic church, Valparaiso, on Saturday, and was largely attended. The grieving parents have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sad affliction.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 3, 1890; Volume 6, Number 51, Page 1, Column 4]

1890, July 3 - Charles Heinke Killed by B&O Passenger Train in Woodville
Last Sunday morning there occurred one of those fearful and heart-rending accidents which shock the community by their suddenness, and prostrate the family and friends of the victim. This time, one of Northern Porter county's best known and substantial farmers, was hurled into eternity without a moment's warning, in a most unexpected way. The victim was Mr. Charles Heinke, whose home is just east of Brown's Mill, in Liberty township. On the morning in question, Mr. Heinke drove to Woodville to take a load of milk to the milk train, as has been his custom for the past month. On reaching Woodville he unloaded his cans on the platform, and had tied his horse. Just then someone said "There comes the fast train." On hearing this, Mr. Heinke rushed to his horse, and started to get across the track just in front of Freer's store. It seems that on getting on the buggy the lines were wrapped around the whip, and when crossing the track he was unloosening them. Just as he got safely across, the animal whirled around so short as to almost overturn the buggy and got on the track just in time to be struck by "Limited" passenger train No. 15, going west. This train was due at Woodville at 6:47 but was 20 minutes late, and was attempting to make up time. Spectators say that the speed at which the train was going was 70 miles an hour. The horse was torn all to pieces, and Mr. Heinke was killed instantly. His body was badly mangled and crushed. The buggy and harness were literally torn to shreds. The whole thing occupied so little time, and done right before the eyes of several people, that they were completely dazed, and none know how it really did happen. The engineer of the limited, John Bowersox, stopped his train and backed up to the station. He say, he saw Mr. Heinke on the track and was going to blow the whistle, but was afraid if he did it would scare the horse and cause it to run away. He saw the rig clear the track, and was almost on them when the horse whirled around. Then he reversed his engine, but it was too late.

Undertaker Lundberg, of Chesterton went to the scene of the accident, and coffined the remains of the unfortunate man. The Coroner was notified, but he could not come, owing to the fact that he was holding an inquest on Monday, the inquest was held Tuesday at 10 o'clock.

The funeral was held on Tuesday from the family residence, and was largely attended. Mr. Heinke was born in Germany and was 52 years old last September. He leaves a wife and four grown children, three girls and one boy to mourn his sad fate.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 3, 1890; Volume 7, Number 12, Page 1, Column 6]

1890, September 19 - John Swanson Killed by Bull near Woodville
John Swanson Crushed To Death, And His Wife Fearfully Mangled By An Enraged Bull Last Sunday.
Last Sunday there occurred one of the saddest and most fatal accidents that it has been out lot to chronicle for some time. About ten o'clock on that day John Swanson, a well-known farmer, living just east of Woodville, attempted to drive a bull from one field into another when the animal turned on him and a fight for life began. Swanson was unarmed and the bull knocked him down and hurled him into the air. The man's cries brought Mrs. Swanson, who, heedless of her own peril, rushed to the rescue. The bull turned on her and soon was trampling her underfoot. Mr. Swanson, who at this time was some rods away, lying helpless shouted to his wife to save herself, that he was done for. The bull, attracted by the sound of Swanson's voice, rushed back to him, and, in blind fury, began pawing the prostrate body. Mrs. Swanson, with a broken leg, broken ribs, and fearful wounds about the head, and bleeding profusely, crawled up a hill towards the house and dragged herself into a hog pen to get out of the way of the bull. And even here her life was in peril, for the hogs rushed at her to tear her to pieces. She got out of there, and finally got into the yard near the house, and started to crawl towards the highway in hopes of attracting the attention of possible passers-by. Some minutes after the tragedy was over Mr. Jacobson, in passing along the road saw Mrs. Swanson, and he ran to Mr. Rydeen's, a neighbor, to give the alarm. Mr. Gust. Ludstrom happened to be there at the time and he ran over to the scene of the accident. Unconscious that the bull had done the fearful work, he stood surveying the body and not twenty feet from the animal. Suddenly it took for him, but he escaped. He found Mrs. Swanson in a dying condition, and with the help of neighbors, got her in the house, and drove to Chesterton on a gallop for a doctor. Drs. Kellogg and Green were sent out and they succeeded in checking the glow of blood on the injured lady and now hope to save her life. On examination it was found that almost every bone in Mr. Swanson's body was broken and the flesh in many places was crushed to a jelly. The bull had been deshorned on account of its savage disposition and the wounds were all inflicted by the animal's feet and head. Coroner Coates was summoned and his verdict was in accordance with the above facts.

At the time of the accident Mr. Swanson's two children were at church. They left their parents in good health, and in a short two hours came home to find death and desolation. Their grief was heartrending. The funeral for Mr. Swanson was held from the house Tuesday and the remains buried in the Chesterton cemetery. John Swanson was a man with many friends, and his sad end casts a cloud of grief on all who knew him. His children have the sympathy of us all.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 18, 1890; Volume 7, Number 23, Page 1, Column 5]

1891, October 9  - Bridge Over Salt Creek Completed
The bridge over Salt Creek at the Salt Creek Mills, is finished and we understand has been accepted by the commissioners, who pronounced it the best structure of its kind in Porter county. It is nearly 300 feet long, 16 feet wide, and built of live white oak. The caps are twelve inches square, and the plank 3 inches thick. It is a credit to Liberty township, and to the trustee, Charles Benke. Contractor Babcock has satisfied the public that he is a hustler and does honest work.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 9, 1891; Volume 8, Number 26, Page 5, Column 2]

1891, October 16 - Death of Martin Peterson
Last Sunday the body of a man was found in the barn of August Johnson, a farmer living on the Valparaiso road, just south of the high bridge over the B. & O. road, with his throat cut. His name was Martin Peterson. He was a worthless character who lived hereabouts for the last thirteen or fourteen years. He left a wife and two children in Sweden. About two years ago the boys of Chesterton tarred and feathered him for being too intimate with old Lot's wife. Last July he started on a spree and never let up until he cut his throat. He came to Johnson's house Saturday night, got his supper, and asked to sleep in the barn. He was allowed to do this, and during the night sometime he killed himself. The job was done with a pocket-knife. Coroner Coates held an inquest Sunday afternoon, and the body was turned over to Undertaker Lundberg, who buried it in the potter's field.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 16, 1891; Volume 8, Number 27, Page 5, Column 2]

1891, October 30 - Martin Peterson Murdered?
There appears to be many suspicious circumstances about the death of Martin Peterson, who was found dead in the stable of August Johnson, a farmer living on the Valparaiso road , just south of the B. & O. railroad, on Oct. 11, and his friends insist that he was murdered. The Valparaiso Star, in its issue of Monday says that people who knew Peterson, claim that he had three hundred dollars on his person when he left the Mike place the night before he died. When his body was viewed by Coroner Coates there was found something less than fifty cents. There are those who from the first claimed that Peterson did not take his own life, but was murdered for his money. So positive have they been in their theory of murder that they have quietly investigating the case until, we understand, they have secured evidence the Peterson was murdered, and that they propose to cause the arrest of the suspected parties this week.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 30, 1891; Volume 8, Number 29, Page 5, Column 2]

1892, March 25 - Wabash Railroad Construction and Police Protection
The people of Chesterton don't like the idea of having the new Wabash railroad built by "Niggers." It will be absolutely necessary for the town to have police protection this coming summer, because the county hereabouts will be flooded with gangs on the different railroads to be built through here, who will make Chesterton their headquarters. We don't want a repetition of the scenes when the telegraph lines were put up steps. Should be taken now to protect the town, for mark out words, it will be needed.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [March 25, 1892; Volume 8, Number 50, Page 5, Column 2]

1892, April 1 - Slave Labor for Wabash Railroad Construction
The colored laborers are now working of the Wabash extension a few miles west of here, are drawing the munificent salary of $20 a month and board themselves. This comes about as near slavery as the line can be drawn.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 1, 1892; Volume 8, Number 51, Page 5, Column 1]

1892, April 8 - The Chicken Thief of Woodville
Dick Johnson, the colored man from Woodville, was arrested some time ago for stealing chickens from his neighbors. He was taken to Valparaiso, bound over to the circuit court, and had his trial last Saturday. His attorneys got a jury, and by hard work saved him from the penetentiary. The jury gave him 30 days in jail, fined $1, and disfranchised him for four years. He has relatives in Logansport who are well to do, and who interested themselves in his case by providing money for his defense. Dick has been around north Porter county since 1861, and has been credited with stealing thousands of chickens. No one ever knew him to raise one, yet he has sold a great number to people in Chesterton. The farmers who were interested in getting him behind the bars are indignant over the trifling sentence he got, and will undoubtedly try the merits of buck shot should he ever be caught stealing again.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 8, 1892; Volume 8, Number 52, Page 5, Column 2]

1892, May 13 - Gossett Mill Dam Break
A part of Jack Tratebas' mill dam went out Thursday night of last week. His dam is practically all new, and was thought to be invincible. But when the Pearce dam broke, above it, and lett down a mass of logs, broken timbers etc., the jam was too much, and a place above twenty feet wide was torn out. Jack say it will cost about $200 to repair the break. Just now he is considering the feasibility of tearing out the whole dam, and putting the pond bottom into sugar beets. A number of farmers of this end of the county are experimenting with sugar beets, with a view of heavily engaging in their culture. A factory can be got here, if enough beets will be grown to warrant it.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [May 13, 1892; Volume 9, Number 5, Page 5, Column 5]

1892, June 10 - Chicken Thief of Woodville Released
Dick Johnson the Woodville colored lover of other people's poultry was released from jail last week, and after enjoying his liberty a few days, was brought before the Mayor on the charge of vagrancy. He had been on a drunk and made a nuisance of himself. The Mayor gave him the privilege of accepting a situation on the street with ball and chain, or leaving town at once. He chose the latter, and made a bee line for Chesterton. Dick had better mend his ways or some fine morning he will think he is a bird. He will be feathered if he don't reform.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [June 10, 1892; Volume 9, Number 9, Page 5, Column 3]

1892, July 15 - Officials Arrested for Neglecting Liberty Township Highways
On the Charge of Neglecting the Highways of Liberty Township.
A case of novel interest in now on the boards that is attracting much attention. On July 2, Mrs. Goodperlet, wife of John Goodperlet, who lives two miles north of Babcock, in Liberty township, went to Valparaiso and swore out a warrant against Trustee Charles Benke and Supervisor Fred Loranz, charging them with willful neglect of official duty in not working a certain piece of road in district No. 4 and had left it in a dangerous condition. The warrants were served on the gentlemen on Saturday, July 9, and they were taken to Valparaiso. There they gave bonds in the sum of $100 each for their appearance for trial before Justice Louderback the following Monday. On day of trial they appeared and had the case venued to Justice Lonsdorf of Morgan township, for the reason that they could not get their witnesses in Valparaiso on so short a notice. They tried to have the case sent to a north township for the convenience of these witnesses, but the prosecuting attorney objected, and the justices sent it south. The case was set for trial on July 29th next.

Trustee Benke was in town Wednesday and was seen by a Tribune reporter. He says: "The road in question is a new one, open about four years. It is one not much traveled, being an off road, but the present spring has been one which has been very hard upon highways on account of the heavy rains, and the township funds have been drawn very heavily upon to repair damages by washouts. Five bridges have been washed out two and three times, and the supervisors have worked even Fourth of July and Sundays. This unusual trouble has cost about $200, besides the cost of grading. Supervisors could not work much this spring on account of the constant rains and in many instances it would have been a waste of time and money for them to attempt it. The road that Mrs. Goodperlet kicks about has been heavily used by Wabash graders lately who camped on Goodperlet's ground and who hauled heavy loads over the road during the wet weather and badly cut it up. The ground was so low and wet that the graders were obliged to quit grading  even though they were on higher ground than this road.  Never before has it been so wet here as this year, and I don't think we can be blamed for what Divine Providence does. We tried to work the road June 30 before the suit was brought, but were obliged to abandon it. It would be perfectly useless to attempt to work this road until it got drier and just as soon as the conditions permit the road to be repaired. The northwest part of Liberty township is low and level, while on the south and east the ground is hilly. We have more than fifteen bridges in the township besides culverts, and our roadways are hard to keep good.

Our township is out of debt, and we have a little road money on hand, but I don't think it would be good business policy for me to waste this money where it would do no good, but rather wait until it could be used to some advantage. If it is a crime, and the law so finds it, then I have nothing to say."

Mrs. Goodperlet brought the suit through the State of Indiana, and it is really the State of Indiana vs. the trustee and supervisor. If she is beat, the State pays no costs. If Trustee Benke and Supervisor Loranz are beat, their official bonds are holding. It is a very nice case where some very fine points of law must be decided, and if decided against the officials, will be taken to the higher courts, and become a precedent for other cases.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 15, 1892; Volume 9, Number 14, Page 1, Column 5]

1892, August 5 - Wabash Railroad Station
The Wabash railroad company has bought six acres of ground from Fred Lahayne, in west Liberty township, adjoining their right of way, for station purposes, and will locate a station at that point. They will also have a station on Kane's farm near Burdick.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [August 5, 1892; Volume 9, Number 17, Page 5, Column 2]
Note: The LaHayne property was located in present day Crocker.

1892, August 5 - Salt Creek Post Office Discontinued [DPO]
The Salt Creek postoffice has been discontinued, and the mail intended for that place now goes to Babcock. We understand that Mr. Trowe, the postmaster of the defunct office, intends discontinuing his store. At one time Salt Creek was a prosperous trading point, but with the suspension of the creamery and the establishment of postoffices at McCool and Babcock, both heavy milk shipping stations, the trade was drawn away from the place to the newer stations.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [August 5, 1892; Volume 9, Number 17, Page 5, Column 3]

1892, August 5 - Liberty Township Telegraph Line
A new telegraph line is being run through Liberty township, east and west, passing through Woodville. Supervisor Will Sanders objects most emphatically against the company's using the highways for right-of-way, on the ground that it seriously interferes with ditch-making and road-working and has taken the case to court.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [August 5, 1892; Volume 9, Number 17, Page 5, Column 4]

1892, August 19 - Liberty Township Officials Fined for Neglect of Duty
For Neglecting to Keep the Highway in Passable Condition.
The suit of the State of Indiana vs. Trustee Charles Benke and Supervisor Fritz Lorenz, of Liberty township, was tried before Justice Lornsdorf, of Washington township last Friday. The case was brought on complaint of Mrs. Goodperlet, who charged that Benke and Lorenz, as officials had neglected their duty in permitting a piece of road in their township to become impassable. The case was brought before Justice Louderback, of Valparaiso, on July 29, and venued to Washington township. the case was heard by jury and a verdict rendered finding defendants guilty, and assessing them each $5 and costs. The costs were $27.80 at Louderback's court, and $107 at Longsdorf's, not including defendants attorney fees. Trustee Benke says that the verdict an unjust one. The case has been appealed to the circuit court. Some are under the impression that the taxpayers of Liberty township will have to pay the costs of the suits, but this is wrong. The money must come out of the pockets of Messrs. Benke and Lorenz. According to this verdict there is not a trustee or supervisor in the county that cannot be hauled up and fined for neglect of duty.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [August 19, 1892; Volume 9, Number 19, Page 1, Column 5]

1892, August 19 - Adventures in Moving a Home at Salt Creek
LIBERTY TOWNSHIP.-- Down near the headwaters of Salt Creek the people are having a particularly interesting time just now, and it all came about this way: Ernest Longshore purchase a three-acre patch of land just northwest of the Salt Creek school house ground. A. P. Ferris owns a strip directly north of the school house ground and a man named Holland a strip just west of the school house. Consequently the corners of the four pieces are on one spot. The Longshore land is not on a public highway but entrance to it is gained through a lane from the north near Felker's. The owner had a house that he wanted to move from Salt Creek onto the land and he either had to move it a mile around by the road and down the lane, or cut across the school house ground and across the corners of the Ferris and Holland land. He chose the latter, and while at work at the job, Holland came up and began kicking because he was going through his land. The result was that Longshore gave Holland a bat in the eye, and the latter went to Valparaiso to have him arrested for it. While Holland was doing this, Longshore gave an extra spit on the hands and humped his building onto his land and then went to Valparaiso and paid a fine of $1 and costs for the fun of hitting Holland. He says it was worth that to get across the disputed land.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 30, 1892; Volume 9, Number 25, Page 4, Column 3]

1892, October 21 - Baseball: Woodville vs. Babcock
The base ball game played Sunday between Woodville and Babcock was won by Woodville nine. Five innings were played each, the score being 17 to 20. The Babcocks will play the Chesterton nine next Sunday in Morgan Park.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 21, 1892; Volume 9, Number 28, Page 5, Column 3]

1892, December 9 - The Town of Crocker Platted
At the Crossing of the Belt Line and Wabash Railroads.
Fred Lahayn has laid out a town site at the crossing of the Elgin, Joliet, & Eastern and the Wabash railroads, five miles southwest of Chesterton. Immediately after the plat was recorded, Mr. Lahayn sold twenty lots at $100 a lot. The lots are laid out, 50x122 feet, and lay in a forty acre field south of the crossing. Mr. August Shultz of Chesterton will start a grocery store at once and five other parties from Whiting and other places will start to build yet this fall. Fred Reordans, who adjoins the Lahayn farm sold out to the Belt Line and the prospects are now good for the building of a prosperous town at this point. The boom is on now. Lots in the original townsite of Lahayn are now on sale for $100 each, a plat of which may be seen at The Tribune office, John C. Coulter has the honor of making the deed of the first town lot in Lahayn to Mr. Fred Reordans, a farmer living on land adjoining, which is evidence that home people have faith in the future of the new town.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 9, 1892; Volume 9, Number 35, Page 1, Column 6]

1892, December 16 - Laying of the Wabash Railroad
A Westville correspondent to Saturday's LaPorte Herald says:
The Wabash track laying outfit consists of twenty-eight box cars converted into dining and sleeping cars, one baggage car for the foreman, two engines and about one hundred and twenty-five men all told. With reasonably good luck they put down two miles of track per day and finish it -- that is, put in the full amount of ties and spike it. The track is now as far as Salt Creek, some fourteen miles west of this place and nearly half way to Hammond. At Salt Creek there is a water tank and the grading done for sidings are down the outfit  will move to that point. The ballasting outfit consists of three steam shovels, fourteen engines with sufficient number of cars and three hundred men; they are this side of New Paris and coming on at the rate of one to two miles per day. With fairly mild weather they will reach here by January 1.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 16, 1892; Volume 9, Number 36, Page 1, Column 4]

1893, March 3 - The Naming of the Village of Crocker
A representative of THE TRIBUNE inspected the new town now being built at the crossing of the E. J. & E., and the Wabash road last Sunday. This point promises to be a thriving town in the near future. The Wabash road began work on its new depot last Monday, and the company is putting a six track yard there now. The Belt Line is putting in four tracks, and Mr. Tansy, the contractor, says he has good reasons to believe that the western yards of the Wabash will be located there. Fred LaHayne on whose lands these roads cross, laid out a town and called it La Hayne, but the railroads refuse to recognize that name, and gave the station the name of "Crocker."

The new post-office has also been called "Crocker," so Mr. LaHayne will be obliged to adopt the new name. There is a bunch of woods right at the crossing, and in the timber, Mr. LaHayne has already sold 68 lots. Four new houses built in the latest style have sprung up in the woods and work is begun on four more this week. Mr. Peterson, a renter of the LaHayne farm, is to put up a hotel and restaurant at once, and a man from Whiting has already taken out a government license for a saloon. This point will be a center for immense railroad work this summer, and over 380 men will be employed there ballasting track on the new roads and fitting up for business. The new town lays four miles from Porter, and three-fourths of a mile south of the Michigan Central. Just west of it the Michigan Central has bought a three hundred and twenty acre tract, and the talk is that this company intends using it for yards and their shops. If the railroads carry out the plans credited to them, and the Wabash, Belt Line and Central locate their shops and yards between Porter and LaHayne we are on the eve of the greatest boom ever heard of in this state. The heavy investments recently made by outside parties, and the constant inquiries made by strangers for land in that direction gives color to the probability of the move. When it is considered that Crocker is the first station this side of Hammond on the Wabash, and Hammond is its terminus, and that Crocker is at the crossing of the Belt Line near the Michigan Central, and geographically located convenient for the purposes mentioned, the probability of the move becomes more apparent. Then  again it is asserted that the Lake Shore intends putting yards just west of Porter, which will relieve their Chicago yards, and enable them to make up through freight bound east or west and send or receive them over the Belt Line. Guess Lee knew what he was doing when he paid Miss Smithells $10,000 for her thirty acres.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [March 3, 1893; Volume 9, Number 47, Page 1, Column 5]

1893, March 31 - Salt Creek's Demise and Crocker's Rise
Mr. and Mrs. G. Trowe have rented their house on the north side to Mr. Ream, and next week will move to Salt Creek and occupy the old store building. They do not intend to run the store, but simply live in the building. Their son has rented the farm and will run it this summer. The mercantile business at Salt Creek is played out. Once it was good, but since the dam went out and the mill abandoned and the creamery shut down there is nothing to bring farmers there. McCool and Crocker now do the business of that territory.

The new town of Crocker, at the crossing of the Wabash and the Belt railroads, now has a two-story store building built for Mr. Roerdans, who will put his son in it with a stock of general merchandise as soon as the building can be made ready, which will take about two weeks. Work has been commenced on a large two-story hotel, which is now far enough advanced to show that it will accommodate a large number of people. The town also boasts of a saloon, run by a man from Whiting, who is doing a land office business. Charley Pillman will move into his house built at the station next Monday. John A. Nelson built a house there and has rented it for $8 per month. Joseph Ameling is getting ready to build a house for a party there. Frank Sandberg put on the first brush full of paint on Crocker Monday morning, and ere long the buildings will be completely finished. Thirteen carpenters are now at work there, and all are working on private buildings. The railroad companies have not yet started on their depot buildings, but will as soon as the weather will permit.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [March 31, 1893; Volume 9, Number 51, Page 5, Column 4]

1893, April 21 - Development of Crocker
Fred Lahayn was in town Tuesday in company with the Bremmer Bros., of Whiting. One of these gentlemen is putting up a 60 foot two-story building at Crocker. Lahayn in now working to have Uncle Sam establish a postoffice at Crocker. He says the Belt Line company will have their round house at Crocker on the land bought of Wm. Ruhe, and that arrangements are about completed with the factory people who want to locate on his ground. He gives them ten acres of ground and some money, for which they agree to locate and employ 100 men.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 21, 1893; Volume 10, Number 2, Page 5, Column 3]

1893, April 28 - The Boom Town of Crocker
The boom at Crocker is not abating one jot, but is rather increasing. The foundations for the big union depot are in, and say, it would make you tired to compare this depot with the one at Chesterton. Surveyor Campbell has laid out a big drainage ditch 2,000 feet long and 6 feet wide to run into the creek, and the Wabash has its six side tracks in, all filled cars, and a telegraph office in operation. The Belt Line is completed to Crocker, and as soon as local freight can be delivered there by either line, the lumber famine will be broken. Now every stick of timber has to be hauled from Chesterton or McCool. Charley Lahayn is having a house built by contractor Ameling, and Pillman & Babcock are putting up Will Bremmer's store building. Two saloons will be running in full blast as soon as the buildings for them now going up are completed.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 28, 1893; Volume 10, Number 3, Page 5, Column 3]

1893, April 28 - Ghost at Salt Creek?
Was It a Spirit?
The Strange Experience of a B. & O. Engineer at the Salt Creek Bridge.
The Fort Wayne News publishes for the first time the experience of C. W. Moses of Garret, Ind., who, by the way, is the son of a Methodist minister and himself a member of the methodist church, and not a spiritualist, who narrated the following remarkable incident to a News reporter a few days ago. The incident occurred on the B. & O. at the Salt Creek bridge and perhaps some of the people living in that vicinity can recall the facts.

"It was in 1885," said Mr. Moses, "and I was running from Garrett, Ind., to Chicago on the night run and pulling the limited. I left Garret at 1 a .m. for Chicago on the night run in question. We left G. in good condition but a few minutes late and I endeavored to make up lost time on what is known as Suman's grade, which is some twenty miles long and terminates at Salt Creek. The last three miles is perfectly straight track. I noticed a white pillar or cloud occupying the place of the bridge and reaching quite high. I took it to be fog but neither above or below the bridge was the same visible. I asked my fireman if he saw it, and he said 'yes;' but thought it was fog. About this time I felt as if some one were in the seat behind me, but on turning around no one was visible. I then felt a hand upon my right shoulder and then heard my mother say" 'Charlie that bridge is burned.' I felt the fingers very plainly on my shoulder. I knew my mother's voice: can anyone forget the voice of a mother? At once I applied the air; or at least as soon as I recovered my astonishment. The train came to a standstill about twenty feet from the east approach to the bridge. I told my fireman that I would take my torch and walk across the bridge, and that he should not move the train until I signaled. I walked about fifteen feet when I came to the end of bridge, found that thirty-seven feet had been burned and dropped into the water and put the fire out. What I saw made me so week that I did not have any strength to move and sat down on the end of the remnant of bridge. The conductor soon came to where I was and I related to him what I have now told you."

Mr. Joseph Stewart was the conductor and is still living and a conductor on the Saginaw road. Mr. Moses' mother died in 1876.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 28, 1893; Volume 10, Number 3, Page 8, Column 4]

1893, September 1 - Trouble in Gossettsburgh [Salt Creek]
Gossetsburgh seems to be bidding for notoriety lately. Last Sunday a gang from Wheeler went down their to paint the town a dark red. Residents objected, revolvers were drawn, and a general loud time had. Bill Walsh, Truman Beam, and the two McDonald brothers were arrested on warrants issued by Justice Hawkins, of Valparaiso at the instance of Jno. Tratebas, and the case will be tried Saturday. The Babcock-Phares feud is still on, and unless soon settled may end seriously.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 1, 1893; Volume 10, Number 21, Page 5, Column 2]
Note: I am interested in the particulars of the Babcock-Phares feud mentioned in the article. If you have any information about this incident, then plase let me know.

1893, September 8 - More on Gossettsburgh [Salt Creek]
That Gossettsburg Trouble.
In Judge Hawkins' court room Saturday afternoon, Will Walsh, William and Matt McDonald and Truman Beam were charged with the crime of rout, preferred by John Tratebas, of Wheeler.

The prosecution was the first one on the records of the state made under this statute. After hearing the evidence, all were discharged, the proof failing to bear out the charge made. In fact, it was shown that Walsh and Beam were utter strangers to the prosecuting witness and were little more than onlookers during the affair.

Matt McDonald, who was charged in another case with having drawn a revolver on Tratebas and threatened to shoot him, plead guilty and was fined $5 and costs, amounting to over $35.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 8, 1893; Volume 10, Number 22, Page 1, Column 6]

1893, September 8 - Bully for Crocker
Property in Crocker on Main street seems to be looking up. An owner this week refused $400 for a lot there that he paid $125 for last winter, and then was offered $60 a year rental for the vacant lot. Building of new houses continues unabated. Bully for Crocker. Crocker is no Croaker.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 8, 1893; Volume 10, Number 22, Page 5, Column 1]

1893, October 6 - Railroad Station Speculation on the Wabash
The Wabash folks have built quite a building on their right of way near the Valparaiso road, which looks good enough for a depot. It is not however. For the present it will be the quarters of section foreman Slont and his men. The time may come, however, when there will be a station there. Since the B. & O. has discontinued its milk train the milk men are obliged to ship by express. Some are very indignant, because they were induced to engage in the milk business by the B. & O. company's agent, and have got their cows on hand, and no conveniences to ship milk. Some advocated bringing suit against the B. & O. to compel the company to put the train back on its run. If the Wabash folks adopt a liberal policy, they will get the great bulk of freight sent out here by farmers that now goes over the Lake Shore and the B. & O. roads. An elevator on the Wabash would catch about all the grain raised in this part of the country.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 6, 1893; Volume 10, Number 26, Page 5, Column 3]
Note: The building referred to in the article would have been located about one-quarter mile south from the intersection of County Roads 1100 North and 100 East. The site was called to be called New Jerusalem if a station was to be constructed on the site.

1894, February 16 - Boys' Brigade of Liberty Township
At a regular meeting held at the residence of Charles Jacobson, the members of the Boys' Brigade, of Liberty township, passed the following resolution:

WHEREAS, we, all young men of Liberty township, organized for physical and mental improvement, have obtained permission from Trustee Benke and Director McCorkle to use the Cole school-house on Saturday evenings of each week, and , whereas, the teacher of said school-house, Miss Alma Peabody, seriously objects to our meeting there, notwithstanding we pay our own fuel and light bills, and has no good reasons for raising such objections outside of selfish ones. Therefore, be it

Resolved, that we herewith extend to her our most distinguished commiseration, and congratulate her upon her assumption of power exceeding the rights of tax-payers and township officials, and assure her that her course has won for her our most hearty disapproval. By order of Committee, will present the best list of candidates ever offered the voters of Valparaiso.

By Order of Committee.
Signed: -- Arthur Miskimins, Gust Jacobson, William Bowman, John Johnson, D. P. McCorkel, Wm. Jacobson, Chas. Lindall.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [February 16, 1894; Volume 10, Number 45, Page 4, Column 3]

1894, March 30 - B. & O.versus Man
The deaf and dumb son of Wm Dietrich, a farmer living on the Valparaiso road between Chesterton and Woodville, met a sad death Sunday morning on the B. & O. tracks west of Woodville. He was working for a farmer near the Quartermass farm, and asked permission to go home for clean clothes. He was told to go, but avoid the railroad. The day was very stormy, and the wind blew a gale from the east. With his head down, he faced the storm, and walked right into a west bound passenger train going at a forty mile gait. The train was stopped and the crew found him dead, with the body badly mangled. The young man was 22 years old, and considered by those that knew him as a bright young man. The family has been peculiarly unfortunate. Some time ago fire destroyed their barn, with all the live stock and hay and grain. Kind neighbors gave them a start again. Coroner Coates viewed the remains, and left instructions for the care of them. The crew on the train that struck the boy have been summoned to appear before the coroner, and until they give their testimony, the verdict will be withheld.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter Co., Indiana [March 30, 1894; Volume 10, Number 51, Page 5, Column 2]
Note: Burial records for the Chesterton Cemetery indicate that a William F. Detrick died on March 25, 1894. The date of birth on William's tombstone is inscribed as January 21, 1871.

1894, April 20 - Albert Gossett Burglarized of His Chewing Tobacco
TO THE TRIBUNE: -- On the night of April 16th inst., after the entertainment at the Salt Creek school house, burglars entered the residence of Albert Gossett, of Salt Creek, by prying open the front window, and while he was asleep rifled his pants pockets. They obtained about $5 in money and a 10-cent plug of tobacco. They then ransacked a bureau and found a razor and case, which they carried away. Suspicion rests upon one or two young chaps that were at the entertainment, and well-known around here. The razor being a borrowed one, possibly the owner could identify it.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter Co., Indiana [April 20, 1894; Volume 11, Number 2, Page 4, Column 4]

1894, June 22 - Construction of the Crocker School House
There will be a Fourth of July celebration at Crocker got up right. There will be a picnic and dance in the grove in the afternoon and evening, and all kinds of amusements.

Liberty township is building a stone foundation, frame school house in Crocker, size 28x38 feet, with a cupola 10 feet square in front. The building is now underway, and will be ready for the fall term.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter Co., Indiana [June 22, 1894; Volume 11, Number 11, Page 5, Column 3]

1894, November 30 - Salt Creek Boarder Dispute
A Victim of Injustice.
Miss Cora R. Weeks, who is now teaching the Salt Creek school, and who has been boarding in the family of A. L. Blachley, decided to change her boarding place for reasons known to herself. It seems that when the subject of a settlement was spoken of, Mrs. Blachley demanded $3 per week for board and washing, which was an advance of 50 cents a week on the price previously agreed on by them, and withheld the trunk and personal property of Miss Weeks with a view to forcing a payment of the extra charge. After making three unsuccessful calls with a drayman for her goods, and being refused, Miss Weeks was forced to go before Squire Gossett and file her bond and affidavit, necessary for a writ of replevin. She then proceeded with two constables to the residence of Mr. Blachley, and the property was again demanded in the name of the law, but was again refused, with threats of violence such as "IF you come in I'll split your head open with an axe," by Mrs. Blachley," and "Any one that gets those goods out of here before she has paid what we claim on the board will walk over my dead body," by Mr. Blachley. The following day Mr. Blachley made a personal call on Miss Weeks at her boarding place and peacefully offered her the goods, and the constable proceeded to deliver the same to her forthwith. Saturday, the 24th, be the day set for the trai, Mr. Blachley appeared with counsel, but was advised by his attorney to settle without trial, on the terms offered by Miss Weeks. And Mr. Blachley paid the costs.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter Co., Indiana [November 30, 1894; Volume 11, Number 34, Page 1, Column 4]

1895, January 11 - Crocker Lamp Factory
Crocker's lamp factory is running under the management of Mr. Ricketts, formerly of this place. The concern was given a bonus by the people of the village and Mr. Lahayn, founder of the town.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [January 11, 1895; Volume 11, Number 40, Page 1, Column 1]

1895, February 8 - Blizzard and Cold
The Worst Storm in Years and the Oldest Inhabitants are Quiet

The greatest storm of the winter is now raging. It began Wednesday and in the afternoon nearly all the north and south roads were in a state of blockade. Thursday morning there was a heavy fall of snow, with the wind in the south-west. By noon the wind had got around to the north and a regular blizzard is raging. It is absolutely impossible to see five rods away, and the temperature is dropping. Warnings from the weather bureau reached here in the forenoon to look out for the blizzard, followed by terrific cold weather and Prof. Hardesty, principle [sic] of the Chesterton public school wisely dismissed the scholars. Those living at a distance were sent home in livery rigs by the principal, an act for which he should be highly commended by parents. It is feared that great suffering will result from this storm. The railroads have practically suspended this evening, and it is impossible for the people to travel. It is predicted that this storm and cold weather will last six days. If that be true it will be long remembered. Snow is now about two feet deep but is drifted to as high as ten and twelve feet. The wind penetrates every crevice and drives the snow into houses in great quantities. As it is impossible to get reports from the surrounding country, no information can be given now regarding the damage being done.

Among the victims of the blizzard Thursday, was a party from Babcock Station. That morning Mr. Wm. Babcock and daughter Kittie, came to Porter to take Mrs. Knighton Parriot and son Wilfred home with them. They had a bob-sled and team, and started for home about 1 o'clock. They got somewhere near the Tribune office, and lost the road. For two hours they wandered through the fields in the storm and suffered greatly. Finally they found themselves at the house of T. H. Glover, (the old Peterson house) and were taken care of. They staid at the Glover home all night. Had they been out in the storm much longer they would certainly have perished.

A. J. Bowser and a gentleman from Chicago attempted to go from the Tribune office to the Brass factory about two o'clock Thursday afternoon in a cutter. They both got lost, while trying to find the factory, and wandered around the prairie for some time. The horse got lost, and it presumed that it went to the livery barn. No attempt could be made to find the outfit, as it was as much as a man's life was worth to try. We suppose that there are many other instances of the kind, which will be reported in next week's issue.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [February 8, 1895; Volume 11, Number 44, Page 1, Column 5]

1895, March 1 - B. & O. Railroad Bridge
The wooden bridge over the B. & O. track about 1/2 mile east of Woodville is soon to be a thing of the past, if the present talk signifies anything. The company has just about decided to construct an iron bridge, which will certainly be much better than the one now in use. It is also understood that a house will built for the section foreman. Agent F. H. Cole, in a recent conversation with one of the officials, spoke about an office and was informed that if the company undertook to do anything, they would probably do it up right. It is about time the company made some effort.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [March 1, 1895; Volume 11, Number 47, Page 1, Column 4]

1895, March 29 - Woodville...Boom Town
Woodville is spreading out. Two new houses have sprang up in its city limits within the last week. And now the inhabitants say they are going to have a new bridge and depot. The price of town lots is growing.
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [March 29, 1895; Volume 11, Number 51, Page 1, Column 5]

1895, March 29 - A Preacher Without A Flock
The Valparaiso Star tells the following story on a preacher who is pretty well known in Chesterton, who is something on the Rev. Attorney Niles order. "For some time Rev. Griffith, who hails from Salt Creek, has been conducting Sunday meetings at the St. Clair school house. A few Sundays ago the people who composed his congregation tired of his discourse and requested him to seek new fields. Last Sunday he went to the school house, determined to conduct the usual meeting. He was sorely disappointed, for not a member of his flock put in an appearance, consequently, no services were held."
Source: The Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [March 29, 1895; Volume 11, Number 51, Page 1, Column 6]

1895, August 16 - Crocker Booming Again

Crocker is the storm center of a boom again. Tom Glover, for the last five years connected with the Porter Land Boom, but who was frozen out in the last failure, has gone to Crocker, and has obtained options on a large tract of land there, including the Tratebas mill property at Salt Creek. We understand that the water is to furnish the electric power and light for the new city. Tom Glover will make the thing go if anybody can. He was one of the original men who came to Porter, and every contact ever made for land by him was paid out in full. Crocker is a good point, and has the Belt line. All that is now needed to build the town is a few substantial factories. Success to the new venture.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [August 16, 1895; Volume 12, Number 19, Page 4, Column 1]

1895, September 24 - Crocker Businesses

C. T. Glover, late of Dakota, and a son of T. H. Glover, of Porter, has started a general store in Crocker. He is an experienced business man. The ornamental horn factory has started up there and a strong effort will be made during the coming year to boom that place.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 24, 1895; Volume 12, Number 25, Page 8, Column 2]

1895, October 4 - Salt Creek Happenings

Diphtheria is still rampant, several deaths have already occurred. The Daly school is still closed and the Salt Creek school has a small attendance.

Ernest Longshore and Irving Thompson have a corner on the Salt Creek Fisheries now. Incorporated in name of "The Longshore, Thompson Co."
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 4, 1895; Volume 12, Number 26, Page 4, Column 3]

1895, October 11 - Southwest Liberty News and the Babcock Post Office

Diphtheria is subsiding in the Daly settlement, no new cases having been reported within the last two weeks.

The Daly school convened Monday, after a vacation of three weeks, the school having been closed on account of the prevalence of Diphtheria. The attendance is still small.

Mr. Harrison Gunder is doing a good business this fall making sorghum molasses. the excellent quality of the product as turned out in previous years by Mr. Gunder has stimulated the industry in this township until a number of our people are large producers of sorghum.

Before the recent epidemic scare the Daly school enrolled twenty-three pupils with the prospect of increasing the enrollment to thirty. There are four eighth grade pupils enrolled and to be enrolled, who would doubtless pass the grade satisfactorily. It is to be hoped the pupils will not lose interest in the school on this account.

Four members of the family of Jonathon Biggs were stricken with sickness last week, and on investigation the well from which they had used water was found to contain a number of dead rats and mice. Dr. Vincent ascribed the cause of the disease to the use of the water. The afflicted are recovering. This is the second case of the kind in this vicinity within the last few years. It ought to be a warning to all who use water from open or dug wells. The State ought to pass a law forbidding the use of water from such wells unless cleaned and disinfected at least once a year.

Mr. T. J. Clevinger, the Babcock merchant and postmaster, has accepted a lucrative position from a former employer of his in Chicago, and will assume the duties of the same in a few weeks. Mr. Clevinger will be missed, as he is a thorough businessman. He has been merchant, postmaster, and railroad agent combined for a number of years at Babcock. While the business is very complicated, requiring a keen business man to attend to it, as Mr. Clevinger has, it is not lucrative enough, he thinks, to justify him in remaining here. The office may be closed, which would be very much regretted by the people of the vicinity.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 11, 1895; Volume 12, Number 27, Page 4, Column 3]

1895, October 11 - Fred Johnson Killed by B. & O. Passenger Train Near Woodville

Fred Johnson, of McCool, was run down and instantly killed by a B. & O. passenger train Monday night. He had been to Chesterton and loaded up with liquor, and went south to the B. & O. tracks. About 11 o'clock his mangled body was found near Woodville. The body was taken to Valparaiso and an inquest held by Coroner Ketcham. Deceased was about thirty-five years old.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 11, 1895; Volume 12, Number 27, Page 8, Column 2]

1895, October 24 - Crocker's Ornamental Horn Factory Boiler

While testing a boiler with cold water pressure at the Ornamental Horn factory, at Crocker, the boiler burst. It was very fortunate that no steam was one, as a horrible accident would surely have followed.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 24, 1895; Volume 12, Number 28, Page 4, Column 2]

1895, October 24 - Crocker's Ornamental Horn Factory Employment Particulars

The Crocker Horn factory now employs five men, and this force will be increased in the near future. Mr. Thos. Glover is one of the members of the concern.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 24, 1895; Volume 12, Number 28, Page 8, Column 1]

1895, November 1 - Crocker's Saloon Industry

The Grand jury has returned an indictment of murder in the first degree against Alonzo Powers. This means that he will be tried for his life, and the best he can do is to get off with a life sentence. That body [i.e., grand jury] has been has been investigating Crocker methods of saloon keeping , with serious results to saloonkeepers. A large portion of the population of that neighborhood were summoned to Valparaiso to tell what they knew, and from all accounts their testimony was very bad for the saloonkeepers.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [November 1, 1895; Volume 12, Number 29, Page 8, Column 2]

1895, December 6 - Man Crushed by Train Near Crocker

The Wabash Railway the Scene of the Fatal Accident.

A young man, about twenty-eight years of age, by the name of Joseph Jarvoz, was struck and instantly killed by a freight train on the Wabash road, between three and four o'clock on Friday morning. The body was horribly mangled, having both legs cut off above the knees, the under jaw completely torn off, the face otherwise mangled and bruised, and other injuries about the body. The discovery of the accident was made by the trainmen of freight No. 91, who reported it at Crocker, and the section foreman there was immediately dispatched to Chesterton to notify an officer. Justice of the Peace Sever went at once to the scene, which was about a mile and a half east of Crocker and about ten rods the other side of the first crossing. Justice Sever ordered the remains to be gathered together and taken to the Crocker station, where an investigation was entered into as to the cause of the accident. The evidence as taken by Sever is to the effect that the man was on his way home fro Crocker on the railroad track and seeing a train coming he did not immediately step off of the track, but waited until the engine approached quite close before making an effort to get out of the way, and the ground being covered with ice and very slippery when he did not make a move it was only to slip and fall and the wheels were upon him before he could clear the rails. The verdict was accidental death from falling under a moving train.

Joseph Jarvoz had the reputation of being temperate and steady in his habits. He was in the employ of Charles Swanson as a farm laborer. He had been to the dance at Chesterton, Thursday night, and it was while on his way home from there when a quick and terrible death overtook him. On leaving he ballroom he walked to the junction of the E. J. & E. where he took a "speeder" (railroad velocipede), and proceeded to Crocker, where he left the speeder and started back on foot on Wabash track. We are informed that he has a brother at Whiting who is sick. Joseph waited on him all of Wednesday night, then attended the ball Thursday night until a late hour, being nearly forty-eight hours without sleep, and while returning on foot along the track was in a sleepy and stupid condition and hardly conscious of the danger he was in until too late.

The funeral services was held Monday at 9 o'clock at St. Patrick's church, and the remains were buried in the Catholic cemetery at Chesterton.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 6, 1895; Volume 12, Number 34, Page 1, Column 5]

1895, December 13 - Crocker News

Hurrah! For the city of railroads and factories.
Gust Shultz has accepted a position finisher in the Ornamental Horn factory. He is a fine workman.
Our streets are crowded with teams every day. Wonder business men would not put up more hitching racks.
Everyone in Crocker hustles is why it is such an enterprising town, situated in a good farming locality. We expect some day to be the pride of this county.

Our factory is flourishing nicely under the management of T. H. Glover who is an old experienced hand at the business.
Our town is very quiet on Sunday for the last few months as the business houses have all conspired to keep closed doors on Sunday.
A subscription paper is going the rounds for the purposes of starting a weekly paper in this place. Look out for the first edition.
Mr. Farrol, of Porter, has moved into one of Fred Lahayn's houses. Mr. Farrol has a position with the Ornamental Horn Co. as salesman. He is also an enterprising shoemaker.

The first shipment of Saratoga Chips consisting of 24 cases was made from this place last Saturday. These were sent to a wholesale house where they will be distributed to customers.

Houses are so scarce in town and rents so high that Mr. Rice, our distinguished blacksmith, and Mr. Sphade, our electrician, have concluded to couple up. One furnishes the provisions and the other prepares the meals, and they live as happy as cats and dogs.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 13, 1895; Volume 12, Number 35, Page 4, Columns 1 and 2]

1895, December 20 - Crocker News

Our blacksmith is very busy these days having more work than he can do.
Our Ornamental Horn factory is running day and night in order to supply the holiday orders.
Bicycles are a thing of the past this season, and now we can see the boys cut cross lots on Sunday nights.
We did not learn who took first prize at the speaking contest the other night; but all must admit that Mr. Murphy can imitate a darkey to perfection.

Boys now is the time to buy your Christmas presents for your sweethearts to hang on the Christmas tree. Our merchants are well supplied with anything you want.

Burglars are as plenty here as elsewhere. Every day were hear of articles disappearing. Our police force should put on extra force if the present force is not sufficient to insure safety to our citizens.

One day last week while Mr. Thomas was working with the band saw in the furniture factory his hand was caught in the saw making a hand wound. As a result he walking around with his arm in a sling.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 20, 1895; Volume 12, Number 36, Page 1, Column 4]

1896, January 10 - Woodville News

The late snow storm filled the Valparaiso road up with snow, making going bad for a while.

Some person, unknown stole three dozen chickens from a hen roost belonging to John Johnson, one night last week.

It is strange that when a certain young Woodvillian drinks too much bug-juice he turns black in the face and gets locked up in the corn crib. Young fellow, quit or some fine morning you will find yourself a treed coon sure. The deputy sheriff is after you.

The Swedish Lutheran Young People's Society spent Saturday evening at the residence of Mr. Jonas Johnson. A crowd of 28 was present. The Society meets once each month for social enjoyment, at the homes of their friends, and are noted for having fun where-ever they go. The meet on the 18th inst., at the residence of Gust Bowman of this township.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [January 10, 1895; Volume 12, Number 39, Page 4, Column 3]

1896, February 7 - Train Wreck at Crocker

One Man Fatally Injured, and The Train Wrecked.
Friday night of last week there was a bad wreck at Crocker. An E. J. & E. train had finished its work at Porter, and about 12 o'clock started back over the line. The engine was running backward, and pulling a light train. The rule at Crocker where the Wabash crosses that line, is to give the E. J. & E. the right of way all the time. The engine was going at full speed, and it is claimed, carried no lights. It had reached the inside of the section, when a Wabash train hove in sight, and the towerman gave that train the crossing. The derailed the E. J. & E. train, turning that engine bottom side up, and fatally injuring its engineer. The fireman escaped with slight injuries by jumping. The engineer was taken to his home in Joliet, where he now lies at the point of death. An investigation to place the blame is now being made by the railroad officials. It seems very strange that a train would venture on the main track and approach a R. R. crossing at full speed without lights, and it is not positively known whether such was the fact or not. The tower man was placed in a position where it took quick thinking to decide, but had he given the J. the crossing, it is thought the accident would have been avoided, as the Wabash could have been stopped before it reached the derail, as the target was against it until turned. This is the first crossing accident that has happened at Crocker since the roads were built.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [February 7, 1896; Volume 12, Number 43, Page 1, Column 5]

1896, February 7 - Woodville News

The Epworth League, of Woodville, has been heard from. The members are sewing a crazy patch quilt to be sold for the benefit of its treasury. It has been decided to have a cabinet meeting, which will meet to decide, where, when and how it is to be sold, and what kind of programme is to be rendered.

A negro show is being extensively advertised to take place at John Cole's school house next Saturday evening, Feb. 8th. The programme consists of all the actions, tricks and recitations of five noted darkies. Be sure and attend.
A. P. Johnson and son have a very large contract on hand at present. The have undertaken to clear the marsh owned by Chas. Dahlgren, of Jackson. The march consists of several acres of underbrush so thick it is impossible for man to pass through. The consideration has not been reported.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [February 7, 1896; Volume 12, Number 43, Page 8, Columns 2 and 3]

1896, February 21 - Crocker News

Several carloads of goods have arrived for the Windsor drug and spice mill. Judging by appearances of things, they are hustlers, and the new enterprise will excel all others of former date.

Snow makes work for the section me. Wish we could have more of it, so a poor man could get a days work.
Mr. Sphade has completed his new shoe shop and is ready to serve anyone who may call on him. Boots and shoes mended while you wait.

Our factory is once more coming to the front, this time in the roll of a drug and spice mill. We hope this may be as complete a success as the others were failures.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [February 21, 1896; Volume 12, Number 45, Page 8, Columns 1 and 2]

1896, February 21 - Woodville News

The Commercial Hotel is the only vacant building in our burg, on account of Mrs. A. J. McCorkel removing.
The negro show that was so extensively advertised to take place on the evening of Feb. 9th, did not come off as stated. A large crowd assembled at the school house but the darkies did not appear, so the crowd dispersed and went home. It is thought it will come off some evening this week.

Some treacherous cur or curs, not realizing the danger it was causing, deliberately placed a large sized angle iron on the rail on the B. & O. railroad east of here. The iron was discovered by a slow moving freight train and removed. Had it been a flyer there might have been a wreck and some lives lost. The case was reported and the company has posted a reward.
Frederick H. Cole, president of the Epworth League, desiring to awaken interest in the young people for the literary entertainment of the organization, has decided to have a meeting to organize the boys' Epworth League of which he is to have charge of, and also a girls' Epworth League. The person to have charge of the girl's meeting has not been named. The meeting will occur during some week day evening. All boys and girls should attend as it will be of interest to you.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [February 21, 1896; Volume 12, Number 45, Page 8, Columns 2-4]

1896, February 28 - Woodville News

The blizzard struck the town good and hard last week.
E. N. Demass brought two load of lumber to be used in the erection of G. C. Cole's residence.
Wm. Sanders has just completed a very fine blacksmith shop at his place and will take in work on cash terms only.
Tom Brown, the Iowa hay man, sent a car load of hay to Woodville, and ordered David Atchison to sell it at $10 a ton. It sold readily.
Two of the American and Telegraph and Telephone company's employes passed through here last Wednesday looking for a broken connection.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [February 28, 1896; Volume 12, Number 46, Page 8, Column 2]

1896, March 6 - Station of the Wabash Railroad?

Measurements were taken last week from the Wabash railroad on the Valparaiso road to the Chesterton, with a view of establishing a station at that point. The Lake Shore company also had a gang of surveyors out, running lines over their lands and right-of-way in this township. It would be a big thing for the town if the Lake Shore would take a notion to build a new depot. The old one now doing duty looks like a great black eye on a preacher. The road has made enough money out of the town to afford a depot.
Source: Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [March 6, 1896; Volume 12, Number 47, Page 5, Column 2]

1896, June 20 - Drug and Spice Mill of Crocker

It is rumored that Windsor Drug & Spice Mill, now running at Crocker, will shortly remove to Porter. Druggist Jones will have an active interest in the company as soon as it comes to the new location. The Land Company have made generous offers of sites for the Drug Mill Company.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [June 20, 1896; Volume 13, Number 10, Page 5, Column 4]

1896, July 25 - Woodville Store

Mr. Claude Johnson and family, who purchased H. Hammerstrom's store, moved out here last Tuesday. The erection of their new store will begin at once.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 25, 1896; Volume 13, Number 15, Page 8, Column 1]

1896, July 25 - Railroad Park at Woodville
An ice cream social will be given by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ellis in railroad park, next Friday evening. The proceeds will go for the church that is to be built at this place. All are invited.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [July 25, 1896; Volume 13, Number 15, Page 8, Column 1]

1896, September 12 - B. & O. Wreck Near Babcock, One Killed

Wreck on The B. &. O.
On Friday night of last week between eight and nine o'clock, a B. & O. freight train west bound, was derailed on the grade just east of the milk stand at Babcock Station. The accident was caused by the breaking of an axle of one of the cars in the middle of the train. Sixteen cars were ditched, and the engineer did not discover anything wrong until he reached McCool, about a mile west. The wrecked cars blockaded the track for several hours, and all business was suspended. Most of the cars were loaded with hard coal, which was scattered promiscuously over the right of way. In one car was three men, who were stealing their ride. When the accident happened, two of them were in one end of the car and one in the other. Two were almost buried in coal, but were rescued by the conductor. The other man was buried in the coal, and his remains were not found until the following Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A large force of men were shoveling over the coal to discover the missing man, and when it was found the Coroner was at once notified. The dead man was well dressed, and wore an expensive diamond in his shirt front. He was apparently between thirty and forty years old. His companions were only slightly injured, and left the scene of wreck a few hours after it happened. They did not know who the dead man was, only like they, he was beating his way to Chicago. The wrecked cars were so badly smashed that they had to be burned to be disposed of.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 12, 1896; Volume 13, Number 22, Page 1, Column 6]

1896, October 3 - Upgrades at the Salt Creek Mill

Jack Tratebas is making some extensive repairs in the Salt Creek mills. He has put in a first class dam, and now has contractor Demass at work moving the mill nearer to the highway and putting a new foundation under it. When this work is completed, Jack says he will put in roller machinery at a cost of $2,500, making the mill one of the best in Porter county. The water power, as now fixed, is first class, and when completed, there is no reason why the mill should not pay, as it is located in a fine section of the country, and can be operated at a nominal cost.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 3, 1896; Volume 13, Number 25, Page 5, Column 4]

1896, December 5 - Library at Babcock School

The box social given by Miss Grace Osborn at her school in Babcock proved both a success socially and financially, netting $8.55 which will be used to purchase a small school library. Several of Chesterton's young people were present and report a right good time. The evening was passed with recitations by the scholars, games, and best of all lunch furnished by the young ladies present.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 5, 1896; Volume 13, Number 34, Page 5, Column 2]

1897, April 24 - Crocker Saloon Keepers Selling to Minors

Crocker saloon keepers are in a hot box. Several affidavits have been filed in Justice Louderback's court, Valparaiso, charging them with selling liquor to minors, who of late have been getting drunk and raising Cain in that neighborhood.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 24, 1897; Volume 14, Number 2, Page 4, Column 3]

1897, August 14 - Liberty Township Old Settlers' Meeting

An Old Settlers' Meeting.
An event which promises a very enjoyable time is announced to take place on Saturday, August 21. On that day all residents of Liberty township are invited to picnic at Esserman's grove, 1 1/2 miles west of Woodville. The picnic will be under the auspices of the Farmers' Institute. Short addresses will be made and numerous events will offer amusement and entertainment. Every family should fill its dinner basket and go and renew old acquaintances.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [August 14, 1897; Volume 14, Number 18, Page 1, Column 3]

1897, September 4 - Old Settlers' Meeting and Farmers Institute
Old Settlers' Meeting and Farmers' Institute in Liberty Township
Notwithstanding Saturday was a day fraught with some circumstances of detrimental character, the Liberty Township institute and Old Settlers' Meeting was a comparative success. All forenoon the crowd was assembling and old acquaintances were being brightened. After early luncheon the business session was informally opened by vice president Cole who stated the objective of the meeting. Prayer having been offered, the song "America" was sung, after which a secretary was appointed and a historical sketch of the township was read. Old settlers were asked to relate any incidents regarding the early history of the township. Mr. and Mrs. Cole sang an "old song" which fittingly described the many scenes incident to pioneer life. Interesting remarks were made by Messrs. Hageman, Furness, Cole and Mrs. Bradley [Lovina]. A musical selection was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Atchison. Mr. Atchison read a paper on small farming which was questioned and discussed.

The question came before the assembly "What price should the milk shipper receive for his milk, leaving a small margin to the producer?" Remarks were made by Mr. Furness, Cole, Lindell and Anderson. Mr. Anderson's remarks were principally along the line of feeding, and were of interesting character.

In all the even was a success and was so declared.
Source: Westchester Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 4, 1897; Volume 14, Number 21, Page 1, Column 2]

1898, April 30 - Liberty Township Old Settlers' Meeting
Liberty Tp. Graduating Exercises.
The Liberty township graduating exercises took place at the Liberty Center school Tuesday evening before a large crowd. The graduates were Clara Blachley, Florence M. Babcock, Ralph Johnson, John Wheeler, Pearl Dillingham, and Mae Griswold. Supt. Hughart was present and presented the diplomas. Vocal music was furnished by a quartette consisting of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Smith, Miss Majors and Mr. Faust, and instrumental music by Messrs Carlson, Sanders and Miss Jessie Sanders.
Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [April 30, 1898; Volume 15, Number 3, Page 1, Column 3]

1898, August 13 - Crocker Canning Factory
The Crocker Canning factory expects to start up next Tuesday, by which time the machinery will be ready to run. Crocker people feel pretty good over the addition of this enterprise to their town.
Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [August 13, 1898; Volume 15, Number 18, Page 1, Column 4]

1898, September 3 - Timbering in Woodville
An Elkhart manufacturing concern has bought the 80 acre wood lot along the Valparaiso-Chesterton road, south of Woodville, of Olcott Dillingham, and now has a large force of teams, brought here from Laporte, hauling the saw logs to this station for shipment to Elkhart. The teams are bringing in some magnificent red and white oak logs, and the company is securing this timber has got a prize.
Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [September 3, 1898; Volume 15, Number 21, Page 1, Column 6]

1898, October 8 - Daly School House
Last Sunday, the beautiful new Daly School house, in Liberty township, was dedicated with imposing ceremonies. H. H. Loring, ex-County School Superintendent, made a very instructive address, presenting the relations of the patrons of the schools. Miss Mantie Baldwin, of the Normal, gave a splendid talk on school libraries. The new building is a brick structure with stone foundations, thoroughly up-to-date, and ranks with the very finest district schools in the county, being excelled only by the school house at Northwest Center. The taxpayers of Liberty township are now agitating the question of a graded school. A great many of the young men and women who have graduated in the country school, are now compelled to either quit school or go to Chesterton or Valparaiso. Quite a number are now coming to Chesterton or attending the Valparaiso schools. The inconvenience and cost would more than pay for the extra teacher, and it is hoped that Trustee Gray will try to give his township a higher grade than is now done. We have talked with a number of the leading taxpayers and they favor the proposition.
Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [October 8, 1898; Volume 15, Number 26, Page 1, Column 4]

1898, December 31 - Fund Raising for Library Books
Report of meeting held at Cole's school house, Dec. 23, to dispose of old organ.

Meeting called to order. On motion F. H. Cole was elected chairman and J. T. McCorkle was elected secretary. Ordered, that all present were legal voters. Ordered, that the organ be sold to the highest bidder. On motion H. C. Biggs was made auctioneer.

Ordered that purchaser have privilege of minimum time.

Ordered that proceeds from sale of organ be expended in the purchase of an additional library for school dist 3. Ordered that a committee be appointed to purchase library books and present them to the school in the name of the old organ. On motion, H. Biggs, B. Hineline and J. T. Garrison were named committeemen. Ordered that the committee should appoint from that body a chairman and treasurer. Organ was put up for sale and sold to J. T. Garrison for $8.15, he being the highest bidder. Ordered that the accepted report be referred for publication in two county papers. J. T. McCorkle, Sec'y. F. H. Cole, Chairman.
Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 31, 1898; Volume 15, Number 38, Page 5, Column 5]

1899, November 25 - Major Train Wreck West of Babcock Station
Sends a Double Header Passenger Train Down a 25 Foot Embankment Near McCool, on the B. & O.
One Man Instantly Killed, and Two Others Died of Their Injuries.

One of the worst wrecks that has occurred on this end of the line for years happened on the B. & O. railroad Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock, at a point midway between Babcock and McCool, on the Barney Hockelberg farm. The west-bound mail train, consisting of two locomotives and twelve coaches, crashed into the rear end of a west-bound freight train that was backing east at a high rate. The collision occurred on a heavy fill across a ravine that is perhaps 300 feet long and 25 feet deep. One passenger engine plunged down the deep embankment on one side, and the other engine went down on the other. The four mail and express cars were smashed, but luckily the passenger coaches kept the track, and none of their occupants were hurt. The freight caboose and two freight cars were reduced to kindling wood.

Engineer Harry Bradford, who was on the first engine, was instantly killed, and his ramains badly mangled. His fireman, John Steen, was injured internally, two legs broken and badly cut up. His death was hourly expected.

Engineer E. Sarber, of the second engine, received some painful wounds. Among these being a broken leg, and some severe wire cuts he got in the wire fence he went into with great force when he jumped from his engine. He will recover. His fireman, Elmer Orr, had his left leg broken, and was said to be the least injured of any of the men.

Drs. McLaughlin, Clippinger and Webster, of Chicago, and Short and Leedy, of Union Mills, were rushed to the accident as soon as steam could carry them, and the wounded men cared for. The passengers were sent back to Union Mills and transferred to the Grand Trunk road. The wounded men, all of whom are married and live at Garrett, were sent home. The dead engineer lay all forenoon in one of the wrecked cars, awaiting the arrival of the coroner, who held an inquest on the remains. The road was blockaded all day, although three wrecking trains and their crews were at work pulling away the wreckage.

The escape of Express Messenger D. M. Hipple was miraculous. His car was crushed into splinters, and he was buried in the wreckage. He came out unharmed beyond a cut on the wrist. He said this was the sixth and worst wreck he had been in. While the work of clearing away the wreckage was progressing, he was guarding several kegs of money and arranging his papers as cooly as though nothing had happened. Down one side of the embankment was scattered a car load of canned corn, on the other was a lot of nice fresh fish, oysters, turtles and other dainties. The crowd eyed these with longing eyes.

The wreck was caused by a flagman mistaking the call of another train for his own. An east-bound freight had pulled into McCool and side-tracked for the mail train. Just ahead of the mail, and west-bound, was a freight also making for McCool, to get out of the way of the mail. When on the Hockelberg farm this train broke in two, and the forward end had got to McCool before the trouble was discovered. The rear end sent out a flagman, and the train at McCool also had out a flagman. When the freight that had broken in two started back for the rest of its train, the one standing on the sidetrack called in its flagman. The signal was heard by the flagman standing guarding the broken train, and mistaken for his own call. Just as he had reached his train the mail train came in sight, and in less time that it takes to tell it, had crashed into the freight, and its two engines were in the ditch.

At the time of the accident there was a dense fog which, perhaps, prevented the engineers on the mail train from seeing their danger, and the wrecked engines show that they were not reveresed, but were pulled wide open. Both locomotives were badly twisted and damaged.

LATER. -- Word was received at this office Thursday that Fireman John Steen, of the head engine, and Engineer E. Sarber, of the second engine, died from the effects of their injuries after they arrived at their home in Garrett.
Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [November 25, 1899; Volume 16, Number 33, Page 1, Column 4]

1899, December 2 - News Concerning Crocker Canning Factory
Crocker Canning Factory Will Not Move.
Fred Lahayn, the founder of the town of Crocker, was in town Monday, and said that there was no truth in the report that the proprietors of the canning factory at that place, were looking for a new location, or had any thoughts of moving away. They have made numerous contracts with the farmers of the neighborhood, running for a long time, and have planted a great many berry bushes. While raisers of tomatoes did not make anything this year, this was due to the early frost, and not to the factory. Such a thing might not occur again for a long time, and next year all who raise tomatoes may make big money. The same uncertainty exists in raising tomatoes that there is in raising wheat or anything else.

Since the above was put in type, we have seen Mr. Tibbits, the general manager of the factory, who says that while there is a probability of his company's putting in a branch factory at Valparaiso this winter. It was probably this fact that gave rise to the report that the company intended moving away from Crocker. The Crocker canning people have just bought two acres of land at Crocker, on which they propose to erect buildings to keep their employes in during the work season. By doing this they hope to overcome the difficulty of getting help.
Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 2, 1899; Volume 16, Number 34, Page 1, Column 7]

1899, December 30 - Quaker Canning and Preserving Company
Hobart Gazette. -- Elmer Wolf is now a member of the Quaker Canning and Preserving Company located at Crocker, which will add greatly to the stability of the enterprise. The company has had much to contend with since its advent in this section of the state but through the persistent efforts and square dealings of J. B. Tibbits, the member of the firm who has always made Hobart his headquarters, the company has grown until today it is not only a permanent industry at Crocker but a paying institution for both the stockholders and those furnishing produce for canning. The company is said to be at present on a first-class basis.
Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana [December 30, 1899; Volume 16, Number 38, Page 5, Column 4]

Liberty Township newspaper items transcribed by Steven R. Shook


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