Congdon/Sauk Trail Cemetery, Union TownshipIndex of Congdon/Sauk Trail Cemetery burials . . . .

The Congdon Cemetery, also referred to as the Sauk Trail Cemetery, is located at 666 West on U.S. Highway 30, approximately 200 feet south of the highway (Section 23). The cemetery is on private land.

William P. Congdon owned 230 acres of land in the south one-half of Section 23 in 1876 and apparently used his land to develop a family cemetery. At one point in time, there were six tombstones in the cemetery.  In 1993, however, only one tombstone could be found.

NOTE: If you have information that you like to add to this database, including corrections, then please contribute it to Steve Shook.

Death: July 2, 1858
Note: 53 y, 25 d

Congdon/Sauk Trail Cemetery data prepared by Steven R. Shook


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